Video spotlight

Video spotlight: Tracking trout with the fish whisperer

Steve MacMillian spends countless hours traveling to fish for native cutthroat trout in Nevada. Outside Online picture.

Is Steve MacMillan the ultimate citizen scientist? We think he is a leading candidate at the very least, but we might be a little biased. Watch this video of Steve exploring the remote corners of Nevada to find native cutthroat trout. Nevada Department of Wildlife officials say Steve is helping protect cutthroat and educate people about the value of native fish species while “doing the work of a biologist as a volunteer”.

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Steve MacMillian spends countless hours traveling to fish for native cutthroat trout in Nevada. Outside Online picture.

Steve was also featured last year by Outside magazine in a story and video. Thanks Steve for all you do for native cutthroat in Nevada. You are a conservation hero.

By Brett Prettyman.