Search results for “delaware river basin”

A ‘Wow!’ moment in Lahontan cutthroat trout recovery

Published in Uncategorized

By Helen Neville I think it’s safe to say that rarely in my life have I been inspired performing grant reporting. But in a recent effort to compile progress toward metrics for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Keystone Initiative, whi ch funds much of TU’s work on LCT, I had one

Native Odyssey: Trout among fire

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 16 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our

TU Applauds Final Forest Service Roadless Policy…

1/5/2001 TU Applauds Final Forest Service Roadless Policy… TU Applauds Final Forest Service Roadless Policy… …and Calls on Bush Administration to Support It Contact: 1/5/2001 — — Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Conservation Programs, Trout Unlimited: (703) 284-9406 January 5, 2001. Arlington, VA. . .Trout Unlimited applauded the Forest Service for finalizing new policies

The 117 degree Kern River melting pot

Published in Travel

Buhler was right. There was absolutely no mistaking it. The Kern River rainbow has a vibrancy in color, all of its colors, that simply isn’t present in its hatchery imposters. The back of the fish was more densely clustered with darker and more defined spots, the rose coloring along its lateral line was more clearly defined and the most telltale mark, the white edges along its fins, were clearly defined.

Trout Unlimited lauds conservation elements in Senate Farm Bill

For Immediate Release June 13, 2018 Contact: Steve Moyer,, (571) 274-0593 Laura Ziemer,, (406) 599-2606 Corey Fisher,, (406) 546-2979 Trout Unlimited lauds conservation elements in Senate Farm Bill (Washington, D.C.)Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow led the way in developing a very promising, bipartisan Farm Bill which

TU Councils on national monuments

Published in Uncategorized

Want to know what 30 of Trout Unlimited’s state councils had to say about national monuments? Here’s the full text of their official comments, submitted July 10. July 10, 2017 Monument Review, MS-1530 U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Comments of Trout Unlimited on DOI-2017-0002, Review of Certain National

Driftless Area Restoration Effort

National Fish Habitat Partnership proposals and applications: The unique 24,000 square-mile unglaciated Driftless Area in the heart of the Upper Mississippi River basin is a natural resource treasure. The scenic landscape with its steep hills and rocky bluffs is home to one of the country’s most remarkable freshwater resources — more than 600 coldwater limestone

Lessons Learned – A blueprint for securing our energy future while safeguarding America's sporting heritage

Sportsmen Issue Blueprint for Energy Development on Public Lands Report stresses balancing development to conserve hunting, fishing traditions WASHINGTON (Aug. 9 2017) A report released today by 18 sportsmens organizations and businesses urges smart-from-the-start planning, public engagement and consideration of the long-term impacts on fishing and hunting opportunities in response to efforts to increase and

Strategic Plan 2021

AT TROUT UNLIMITED, we fix rivers and streams. We bring people together.​ We make waters and communities more resilient to the effects of climate change. We believe the most complex and seemingly insurmountable challenges can be solved when people come together and get to work.    We know this from experience.  We were founded by anglers who

The science is clear on suction dredge mining

Published in Conservation, Science, steelhead

Two bills will move through the Washington legislature this session with the goal of updating the state’s laws protecting its fish and waterways from impacts of suction dredge mining. Though you may see comments from a select few upholding the activity, the science is incredibly clear on negative impacts it causes to our already-stressed fish populations.

Guardians of the Gila Wilderness

Published in Conservation

These men have worked on habitat restoration in countless areas around the Land of Enchantment over the course of their careers. And among their larger friend group of former colleagues – with which they continue to hunt, fish and travel to this day – their incredible campfire stories of adventure, danger and friendship continue to unite them in their respective retirements.

Cutthroats, bull trout … and social distance on Idaho’s St. Joe

Published in Travel

Named for the work of a Jesuit priest, this panhandle river is true holy water About a century ago, rumor has it that renowned author Zane Grey would pay his friends to get up before dawn and go stand in the prized steelhead runs of Oregon’s Rogue River. They wouldn’t fish, mind you, although they

Testimony of TU President Charles Gauvin to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund

3/10/2004 Testimony of TU President Charles Gauvin to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund Testimony of TU President Charles Gauvin to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund Contact: Steve Moyer Vice President, Government Affairs Trout Unlimited 703.284.9406 3/10/2004 — Washington —