About Us
At Karmik Outdoors, we understand how it feels to lose expensive and sentimental outdoor gear and we believe that outdoorsmen and women should be equipped to take on their next outdoor adventure. To test our lost and found decals we ‘lost’ our own personal gear around our home waters and public lands. What’s cool is that we got it back!
The inherent goodness of those in our outdoor recreation communities is noble and we believe that getting lost outdoor recreation gear back and building a trusting community of outdoor enthusiasts ought to be as easy as scanning a QR code.
At Karmik Outdoors we believe in connections, community and conservation!
We seek to be the most trusted resource for helping outdoor enthusiast recover lost outdoor recreational gear. We connect folks back to their gear and, therefore, to one another and to their outdoor adventures.
Additionally, Karmik seeks to strengthen the connections formed by outdoorsmen and women who are active in the natural spaces and communities we all share. We are all on this adventure together!
Last, but not least, Karmik Outdoors recognizes that our adventures of tomorrow are dependent on improving and conserving what we have today. We are sensitive to the reality that the decisions we make are impactful to the health of our environment. We’re proud to partner with those who strive to protect the invaluable spaces we all share.
What we do
Simply put, Karmik Outdoors produces lost and found decals for outdoor recreational equipment.
Karmik Outdoors provides outdoor enthusiasts a reliable method of preventing the indefinite loss of outdoor recreation gear and fishing equipment. Karmik is the first and only cohesive lost and found resource operating in the the outdoor industry.
Karmik Outdoors sells durable individualized decals, each equipped with a scannable QR code, unique ID#, and a strong adhesive to outdoor enthusiasts to affix to their valuable gear. Karmik Outdoors decals ensure that lost or misplaced outdoor recreational gear is returned back to the original owner when found by unknown members of the community.
Save money, save time and stop worry by applying Karmik Outdoors decals to your valuable gear. Be prepared to take on your next adventure!
Where we do it
Boise, Idaho
Robert Gillingham <info@karmikoutdoors.com> | |
Phone | (702) 286-8047 |
Website | https://karmikoutdoors.com |
Address |
Boise, Idaho 83712 |