Memberships & Giving
Members and donors help preserve coldwater habitat
Engage with Trout Unlimited at the level you choose.
Signal your commitment to preserving extraordinary places and rich experiences for future generations to enjoy. Our supporters make us stronger, ensuring we have the financial resources and engaged advocates across the country to increase our impact every year.
Become a member
Our members provide TU with strength in numbers to advocate for a better future for trout and salmon.
Renew & sustain
Renew or upgrade your membership to stay connected with our work and increase your impact.
Invest in our mission
Our donors provide TU with the capital to increase our impact.
Tax-smart gift planning
Put your philanthropy to work protecting the fish you love and the habitat that sustains them, while also advancing your financial and tax goals.
Learn more below
Become a member.
Support what you love by becoming a member.
Memberships include individuals, families, youth, businesses, outfitters and lodges. Joining Trout Unlimited entitles you to an annual subscription to Trout Magazine, membership in your local TU chapter, and more. Our members provide TU with strength in numbers to advocate for a better future for trout and salmon and provide unrestricted funding that helps make our work possible.
$12—295 / year
Renew your membership
Stay engaged by renewing your membership.
Demonstrate your loyalty to our community of engaged conservationists and anglers who are working to protect the places they treasure. You’ve experienced the benefits of membership, participated in local meetings and perhaps volunteered for stream restoration projects through your chapter, why not renew or upgrade your membership to stay connected with our work and increase your impact? You can also renew automatically by checking the box AUTO RENEW MY MEMBERSHIP on the form before you complete your transaction.
Life Membership
Demonstrate your loyalty by becoming a member for life.
Make your membership permanent with a gift of $1,800, paid within a single year, and enjoy a lifetime of benefits – not the least of which is knowing that you have made an extraordinary commitment to the conservation of wild and native trout and salmon and the cold water and wild places that sustain them.
$1,800 / one time
Griffith Circle Membership
Follow in the footsteps of our founders by joining the Griffith Circle.
Make a deeper investment in our mission by giving $1,000 or more annually and receive in-depth updates about key national strategies and campaigns, like those to protect Bristol Bay or remove the four lower Snake River dams. Named for George Griffith, one of Trout Unlimited’s founders, Griffith Circle membership gives you a window into the national impact of your investment while maintaining the benefits of local chapter engagement. The contributions from Griffith Circle donors provide the critical, flexible funding TU needs to capitalize on opportunities, and the financial agility to address threats as they arise.
$1,000+ / year
Invest in TU’s impact.
Coldwater Conservation Fund
Increase your impact as a Coldwater Conservation Fund Board Member.
To invest in specific projects and track their progress, the CCF features a participatory philanthropy model that provides a deep level of engagement. With a minimum $50,000 commitment over five years ($10,000 annually), CCF Board Members gather once annually to review project proposals and decide as a group how to invest their collective philanthropy to advance TU’s work. With this greater level of investment, you will receive regular progress reports, invitations to site visits and trip, and make lifelong connections with your peers on the CCF Board.
$10,000+ / year
Restoration Catalyst Fund
Leverage your investment with the Restoration Catalyst Fund.
An unrestricted investment of $50,000 or more in the Restoration Catalyst Fund will help TU leverage millions of dollars in state and federal funding, accomplishing critical river restoration projects to ensure cold, clean water and healthy habitat for trout, salmon and steelhead. This flexible funding, directed by TU staff, provides the matching funds that allow TU to seek and win significant restoration contracts, like removing culverts and other barriers, restoring seasonal flow regimes, and reclaiming toxic abandoned mine sites. This funding typically leverages more than a 5:1 return in government grants and has achieved tremendous on-the-ground impact.
$50,000+ / one time
Contact Trout Unlimited’s Vice President of Development to learn more.
Stream Guardian Society
Plan your legacy and join the Stream Guardian Society.
If you want the satisfaction of knowing that the work we do today will be perpetuated for future generations, consider a gift to Trout Unlimited in your will. These gifts help us ensure that generations to come will enjoy the cold, clean waters we love and protect. We recognize such generosity and foresight in the Stream Guardian Society, where you can enjoy participating in Streamside chats – conversations with leading conservation and science staffers about important and timely issues – and join similarly minded Stream Guardians on our annual invitation-only fishing trip. See and hear why members like became Stream Guardians, and learn how to join.
More Ways to Give
Personalized giving
Structure your gift according to your needs or tax situation
Maximize your annual giving.
Donate appreciated stock
Transfer stock directly to TU, avoid taxes on the capital gain, and receive a deduction for the full value.
Give from your IRA
Donate directly from your IRA, pay no taxes on the transfer and satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD). This is a great option for those who do not itemize their deductions.
Make a gift of real estate
Donate a second home or investment property to TU, avoid capital gains, and even receive an income in return.
Plan for the future.
Utilize a donor advised fund
Manage tax consequences and choose when to distribute your charitable funds. If you already have a Donor Advised Fund with Fidelity, Schwab or BNY, you can make a gift below. For giving from other DAFs, please contact us.
Receive income for life
Avoid capital gains taxes on donated property, provide a stream of income for yourself or others, and receive a partial tax deduction.
Leave gifts in your will
Leave a gift to TU in your will so that future generations can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon.