Looking for America
A legal challenge by Utah and other states could risk access to public lands that we all enjoy as Americans—more on that in a moment.

Trout Talk View more

The True Cast – How in the (heck) did I ever end up here?
fly fishing is less about the fish you might catch and more and about the interesting people you meet along the way, as well as the wild and beautiful places…

Trout Tips – The Hammer
Let’s continue with some tips for your cast because the more you practice now during the slow/off season, the better you’ll be once fishing season rolls around.

The True Cast – Small trout make the world go around

Trout Tips – False Casts
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Priority Waters View more

Another barrier down: Opens miles of habitat on Maryland’s Wolf Den Run
A barrier on Wolf Den Run in the Potomac Highlands of Maryland––a TU Priority Waters area––was among the many AOP projects TU tackled in 2024.

Reconnection Report Card — New York Priority Waters
Trout Unlimited’s staff and municipal partners continue to work diligently to complete a wide-spanning list of New York priority culvert surveys and replacements. The reconnection of fragmented and dammed rivers…

Vander Werff joins TU staff to lead project work in CT