About Us
We have been fly fishing in Mongolia for nearly thirty years. We established these operations to protect Mongolia’s wild rivers and fisheries. Now, both Mongolia River Outfitters and Fish Mongolia are recognized for outstanding service, wonderful fishing, and conservation leadership. Our conservation programs and remote fly-fishing camps provide access to and help protect hundreds of kilometers of taimen habitat. We hope you’ll come and join us!
What we do
MRO/FM manages all angling and fisheries conservation for over 500 miles of pristine habitat in Mongolia. Our fly fishing guests have exclusive opportunities to explore the remote Mongolian wilderness in search of the world’s largest salmonid, the taimen. The trout fishing can also be outstanding! Each year, from June to October, we set up ecologically sensitive and very comfortable camps along the core section of two of Mongolia’s best and most protected streams, using drift boats to float down miles of beautiful river every day. We work closely with the government of Mongolia and the local communities to conserve and protect these unique fish and their home waters.
Where we do it
Mongolia is the least densely populated country in the world. Outside the capital city, Mongolian nomads live a traditional lifestyle that has changed little since the time of Genghis Khan.
We fish and conserve two different watersheds. These rivers are the benchmark by which all other taimen streams are measured. We worked with the government of Mongolia and local communities to establish the world’s first Taimen Sanctuaries. These are the only two rivers in Mongolia designated both “catch and release” for all anglers and “fly fishing only” for all international anglers. The use of treble hooks, motorboats, construction of permanent tourism infrastructure, introduction of hatchery fish, commercial forestry and mining are all prohibited in both taimen sanctuaries.
Fish Mongolia operates on western Mongolia’s most awe-inspiring taimen and trout stream. This beautiful freestone river flows through a magnificent canyon framed by limestone and granite cliffs. Steep, densely forested gorges cascade towards the valley floor. Extremely large taimen lie in wait within the easily negotiated rapids and rock gardens. Banks covered with willows give way to deep pools, sparkling braids, and wide gravel bars. The scenery and fishing are both world class. Mongolia River Outfitters is responsible for all angling and fisheries conservation for the best Pacific watershed river, coursing through a vast landscape of grassy steppes and rugged mountains. These remote eastern steppes border the Khentii Mountain Range to the west, the mystic birthplace Chinggis Khaan. This stream flows through a lush and productive landscape and holds fantastic numbers of taimen, lenok, Amur trout, and Amur pike. The landscape is pastoral; rolling hills are punctuated by tall cliffs, verdure forests, and extremely healthy grasslands. The stream is constantly changing with a variety of shallow runs, deep pools, quick riffles, and long braids, providing fly anglers with endless opportunities to encounter big fish.
Michael Caranci <michael@mongoliarivers.com> | |
Phone | (530) 604-2160 |
Website | http://www.mongoliarivers.com http://www.fishmongolia.com |
Address |
PO Box 644 Palo Cedro, CA 96073 |