Permanent protection for Sáttítla/Medicine Lake Highlands
California’s Medicine Lake Highlands are a unique area of public lands that serves as a vast natural water reservoir and the sole source of the Fall River and its famous trout fishery.
Photo: Pit River Tribe
Where is Sáttítla
The Medicine Lake Highlands (“Sáttítla” to the Pit River Tribe) are a region of some 200 square miles in northern California, about a 90-minute drive northeast of Mt. Shasta. This area is mostly within Siskiyou County, and is managed as part of the Modoc, Shasta-Trinity, and Klamath National Forests.
What’s at stake?
Even among California’s remarkable diversity of landscapes and ecosystems, Sáttítla stands out as an area of public lands with unique geologic, hydrologic, habitat and biodiversity values that provides excellent fishing and hunting opportunities. This area is the homeland of the Pit River Tribe and is sacred to other Indigenous peoples for its extraordinary waters and landscape features.
Sáttítla filters and stores as much water each year as California’s 200 largest reservoirs combined. This amazing natural water reserve is the source of the Fall River, California largest true spring creek and a famous trout fishery that the state has designated a Wild and Heritage Trout Water.
Sáttítla/Medicine Lake Highlands are almost entirely managed for multiple use. There are no designated Wilderness areas or other lands or waters with strong legislative or administrative protections. For decades, the Pit River Tribe and a local conservation group have been fighting to prevent proposed industrial-scale geothermal energy development in the Medicine Lake Highlands.
Photo: Confluence Outfitters
Supporting information

In 2023, the Pit River Tribe formally launched a campaign to permanently protect Sáttítla as a national monument. Trout Unlimited and other sportsmen and sportswomen’s groups support this campaign.
The State of California and Senators Alex Padilla and Laphonsa Butler have endorsed national monument designation for Sáttítla/Medicine Lake Highlands.
National monument designations help to permanently protect some of the finest sporting opportunities in America. As the warming climate continues to degrade aquatic and upland habitats, we must act now to better protect places such as the Medicine Lake Highlands that provide productive habitat and supply clean water for people and wildlife.
Frequently asked questions