Contact: Mary Ann King, Stewardship Manager, California Water Project mking@tu.org, 510-507-0097
20 September 2016
Trout Unlimited releases new film on steelhead restoration in Pescadero Creek, California
Also launches new channel for California Streamflow video series
Trout Unlimited (TU) today released the latest film in a series of short video documentaries about California coastal streams where partnerships between agriculture, residential landowners, and conservation groups are developing innovative water solutions for people and native salmon and steelhead trout.
TU also announced the launch of its new channel for the video series. This channel provides a user-friendly interface and useful background content for the videos, which are intended to publicize and promote collaborative projects that improve flows in streams during the dry season, when salmon and steelhead need it most. The URL for this channel is https://vimeo.com/channels/californiastreamflow.
Mary Ann King, Stewardship Manager for TUs California Water Project, said, Along much of Californias coast, lack of streamflow is a major impediment to recovery of native salmon and steelhead. Low streamflows are often exacerbated by the timing of diversions for human use. There are proven ways we can improve flows and help secure water supply for residential and agricultural use at the same time. This film series showcases some of those ways.
The new video, titled You Better Take Care of It: Helping Farmers Help Fish on Pescadero Creek, documents the partnership between TU and Bianchi Flowers Farm in the Pescadero Creek watershed in San Mateo County. Bianchi Flowers is owned and operated by B.J. Burns, a lifelong farmer who grew up next to the creek. In the film, Burns talks about experiences such as cutting class to fish for steelhead in his youth.
Most people really like the idea of having native fish in their backyard creek, and are willing to work with us to help realize that goal, said King. These films help us tell the story about how steelhead restoration and water supply solutions can go hand-in-hand.
Other films in the series describe partnership projects with wine grape growers in the Russian River watershed (Sonoma County); with rural landowners in the upper Pajaro River watershed (Santa Clara County); and with Whitethorn Elementary School in the Mattole River watershed (Humboldt County).
The Campbell Foundation provided funding to underwrite the film series. Other major partners in these projects include the State Coastal Conservancy, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration (CEMAR), Coastal Habitat Education and Environmental Restoration (CHEER), the Russian River Coho Partnership, Sanctuary Forest Inc., and multiple resource conservation districts.
About Trout Unlimited –
Trout Unlimited is the nations oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North Americas trout and salmon and their watersheds. Follow TU on Facebook and Twitter, and follow our blog for all the latest information on trout and salmon conservation.