Trout in the classroom Conservation

A Day in the life of the Hudson ... and the trout tank

Earlier this week, we joined the New York DEP and DEC in celebrating “A Day in the Life of the Hudson and Harbor.” In a typical year, New York Trout in the Classroom students gather along the Hudson and its tributaries to collect water quality data. This important citizen-science project generates thousands of data points each year and engages hundreds of students. Afterwards, teachers, students and environmental groups can interpret the data to have a better understanding of the estuary system.

We measured pH and the dissolved oxygen in our trout tank and connected with Robin Sanchez from the New York Department of Environmental Protection. Robin and her team were able to measure the same parameters (and more!) from the East River. Watch as we tackle water quality testing on opposite sides of the NYC water tunnel and in the trout tank.

Trout Tank Thursday check-in at the Trailside Museum, Cross River, N.Y.

Science Journal Question TIC Students: Do you think pH and dissolved oxygen levels in the East River will be different from the trout tank? What will impact these water quality parameters in rivers and other bodies of water?

Dive Even Deeper: What changes take place to the water as it travels down watershed streams, then into reservoirs, consumer homes, water resource recovery facilities, and finally into the harbor?

Don’t forget to comment bellow and tell us your picks for trout names!