This week, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that it found the proposed Pebble mine would cause significant degradation to the Bristol Bay region and cannot not receive its key federal permit.
“This is a good day for Bristol Bay,” said Nelli Williams, Alaska director of Trout Unlimited. “No corner should be cut when considering a giant mine in the heart of a place this cherished and important. The Pebble Partnership put forward a half-baked plan with a litany of problems. Pebble had its opportunity to go through the process, but the project fails to meet the standards required. Kudos to the Army Corps, the Trump Administration, and other resource agencies who were critical of the mine proposal for calling Pebble out on that.” Read Trout Unlimited’s full press release here.

Over the two-year permit review process, scientists, agencies and countless individuals repeatedly raised concerns related to Pebble’s plans. Moreover, the voices of hunters and anglers across the country prove instrumental in showing the Administration that Americans cherish the Great Outdoors and places like Bristol Bay are worthy of protecting.
Thank you to each and every one of you who signed petitions, wrote letters, made calls and donated to ensure that our voices for Bristol Bay were heard loud and clear.
“The more public scrutiny this mine faces, the more science that’s brought to bear in its review, the more it stinks. The resources that sustain this bucket-list destination for sport anglers, local communities and commercial fishing families are worth protecting. Thank you to the legions of supporters that helped us get here.”
Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited
With our celebration comes immense gratitude for your voices, your persistence, your generosity and your time.
The announcement by the Army Corps of Engineers means that Pebble is not permitted in its current form, but that it could be reviewed again with a new mine plan and new mitigation plan. Today, we celebrate, but our work isn’t done.

Trout Unlimited is committed to achieving up front, permanent and long-term protections in place. What exactly does this mean? It means that Bristol Bay is still a target, and Pebble could come back to make a push to get permits in the future.
With this, we know the fight isn’t over. Today, we celebrate. Tomorrow we come back to work ready to make sure that the fishery is safeguarded and future generations can enjoy the Bristol Bay region as we do today. Please stay with us as we pursue long term protection for Bristol Bay.