Fly of the Week: Pat's Plus

If you’re anything like me, you have a handful of flies that fill up your box in various colors and sizes. My go-to large nymphis a generic rubberleg stonefly, heavy on the weight. It’s my standard “big fly” for my double fly indicator rig.My nymph boxes oftenlook like someone threw a handful of chenille and rubberlegs into a blender and then forgot about them.That’s also how my tying desk looks after I’ve cranked out the 10 dozen or so of these bugs Igo through in a year.

Tim Flagler shows us a way to up our rubberlegs game with this Pat’s Plus pattern. The simplified tie-in of the tail and legs, along with the omission of a whip finish take out a few time consuming steps, and when you’re cranking out dozens of heavy bugs that will inevitably be donated to sunken timber, every second counts.

By Brennan Sang. I’m a father, a husband, a jack-of-all-web-trades, and an avid outdoorsman.