Video spotlight

Video spotlight: Middle of Nowhere

We’ve all dreamed of being the first angler to set foot in some remote paradise. The first to cast to catch fish that have never seen a fly. That fantasy is buried in the depths of all our souls, and, sadly, for most of us, it won’t become a reality.

But we can live vicariously through the guys at MotivFishing, who tend to find remote, “off the charts” places where “things always look easier on satellite.”

The trailer to the “Middle of Nowhere” ought to get your fishing blood pumping. Giant trevallies, bonefish, milkfish—none of which had ever seen a fly—all come to hand in the film which is part of the Fly Fishing Film Tour that’s likely to come to a theater near you in the weeks and months ahead. If the film is as thrilling as the trailer, we’re in for a great ride.


— Chris Hunt

By Chris Hunt.