Video spotlight

Video spotlight: Out of Office

Some of my favorite fishing adventures have involved the wonderful people I work with at Trout Unlimited. From thigh-busting hikes into the canyons of Colorado’s Roan Plateau, the lubricated walk-and-wade excursions into the Wyoming Range backcountry, fishing with my co-workers–some of my dearest friends—always seems more … productive.

Yeah, we talk shop. We take in the landscapes we work so hard to protect, and the rivers we hope to keep whole. But, mostly, we fish, we tip a few beers back and we get down to the soul level—that place where things are laid bare, and the reasons we do what we do shine through. Honestly, these trips made me a better conservationist. A better advocate for the trout and salmon I dearly love. And, perhaps above all, a better angler.

Above, our friends at Orvis have stumbled upon this formula, too. Sometimes, getting out of the office and into the field to see and feel what the work you do is all about is the best way to recharge, reenergize and recommit. And it doesn’t have be fishing. To do what you do, and to do it best, sometimes you have to leave the cubicle behind.

— Chris Hunt

By Chris Hunt.