
Lame Duck

  • Advocacy

    Six “lame duck” wishes for trout and salmon

    Congress’ lame-duck session offers opportunities for trout and salmon The dust has (mostly) settled following the 2022 midterm elections, and next month a new Congress will be sworn into office. For Trout Unlimited, next year’s 118th congressional session represents an opportunity to forge new relationships and drive our coldwater conservation priorities. But while your newspaper…

  • Advocacy Conservation

    The ‘lame duck’ session is here

    A windmill in Idaho.

    In just over a month, the results of the 2020 elections will take effect.   That means the clock is ticking for the 116th Congress. Outgoing legislators will leave D.C., and newly elected members will take their seats, each with a fresh list of priorities and promises to fulfill for their constituents. Leadership positions will change, creating entirely new dynamics of power in the House and Senate.   Elected…