Currently browsing… Steelhead

  • A River’s Last Chance

    The first time I saw the Eel River flowing under the remote redwood forest along Humboldt County's Avenue of the Giants, I saw a dirty, blown-out river that the locals swore to me was home to massive steelhead. I lived in the small city of Eureka for a couple of years in the late 90s,…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Kamchatka Steelhead Project

    Just as Alaska is home to the northern-most populations of steelhead in this hemisphere, Kamchatka boasts big and mysterious chromers, too. The film, "The Kamchatka Steelhead Project" is an example of what can be done with a little collaboration, a touch of creativity and the passion that anglers have for these incredible fish. On Russia's…

  • Giving away the Tongass: A very bad idea

    By: Alaska Program Staff Anyone who understands the value of public lands to hunters, anglers and other outdoor recreationists, and the fundamental role public lands play in many of our lives has cause for concern. Today we're writing to highlight just one of the threats to our public lands. ​ Introducing the State National Forest…