
Sam Davidson

  • Connected by Water

    By Rene Henery We are entering a new time. Old feuds and litigations are slowly giving way to collaboration. Increasingly, we are recognizing the need to manage California's rivers and aquifers to meet the connected needs of our cities, farms, wilderness and wildlife. With this convergence comes the necessity of diverse interests working together. IMG_4808.JPG…

  • Major win for one of America's best coldwater fisheries

    Five hundred miles. That's a pretty significant distance, right? Now, imagine swimming that far. That's how many river miles will re-opened to native steelhead in the Klamath River under the terms of a revised agreement between the federal government, the states of California and Oregon, and the utility company PacifiCorp. The amended Klamath Hydropower Settlement…

  • Import

    Adios, San Clemente Dam

    By Tim Frahm When steelhead and tractors occupy the same piece of stream, tractors typically win… and steelhead don’t. Sometimes, however, we need to stand up and cheer when we find big excavators, dirt trucks and earth-movers driving up and down in a riverbed.  Such a time is now for the Carmel River, one of…

  • New hope for Yuba River salmon and steelhead

    By Chandra Ferrari Theodore Roosevelt once said, “[d]o what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Many colorful quotes have been attributed to him but this is one of my favorites. It cautions against waiting for the perfect situation and moment to arise before moving forward. You could be waiting a long time.…

  • Lifelong love affair

    Childhood days spent wandering and fishing California's South Fork Kings River became the foundation of a man's life as a sportsman-conservationist. By Bill Templin You probably have one of those places in the Great Outdoors that you've been visiting since you were very young. For me it's the South Fork Kings River.SFKingsRiver@oldSwimminHole_Templin.jpg (L) The "old…

  • The Pescadero Dilemma

    Early February 2014: annual steelhead kill, Pescadero Creek lagoon By Tim Frahm Consider the Pescadero Dilemma. Threatened steelhead die every year, in significant numbers, in the Pescadero Creek lagoon on the Central Coast of California. Everyone knows why and how to fix the problem. The angling community is ready and waiting to help. But for…