Community Youth

Spring Cleaning: Blow the Dust Off Guiding Documents!

Spring Cleaning: Blow the Dust Off Guiding Documents!

Each spring, many of us start to get that feeling—an itch instigated by the transition from a comfortable and cozy winter to the cabin fever frenzy that beckons the freshness of longer daylight and warmer outdoor adventures.

Cue spring cleaning!

This spring when you revel in the fresh air, consider blowing the dust off your chapter or council board’s guiding documents. Now is a great time to gather to review bylaws, budgets and plans in anticipation of the remainder of the year.

Bylaws: Is your team familiar with the importance of your bylaws? Are your bylaws ripe for an update? Are you aware of the process to update your bylaws? Are you checking in with your leaders to better understand their role satisfaction and goals to anticipate upcoming leadership shifts?

Budgets: Have new leaders been oriented to your budget? Is your financial reviewer and your new treasurer aware of their respective roles and responsibilities? Do they have the documents they need?

Plans: Is your team familiar with your strategic plan? Is your current strategic plan sunsetting soon? Have your committees reviewed their action plans to understand their trajectory? Does your communications plan have meaningful targets? Are there new individuals to add to your leadership recruitment plan? Is your fundraising plan on track?

The spring is a great time to hit pause and blow the dust off some important guiding documents to better position your team for success!

By Lisa Beranek.