
spring creek

  • Restoration

    TU Driftless team makes progress in Iowa in 2020

    Despite challenges posed by the pandemic 2020 was a busy year for Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort in Iowa. TU and its partners collaborated on a number of habitat restoration projects in the state. Here's a rundown of the projects. North Bear Creek - In January 2020, the Iowa DNR acquired from the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation 115…

  • Restoration

    Minnesota’s 2020 Driftless Area restoration overview

    Despite challenges posed by the pandemic 2020 was a busy year for Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort in Minnesota. TU and its partners collaborated on a number of habitat restoration projects in the state. Here's a rundown of the projects. Rice Creek (Fillmore County) – Minnesota DNR stabilized eroded stream banks totaling 900 feet. Sloped and…

  • Conservation

    Restoration tour attracts big crowd in Driftless Area

    For a decade, hosting a bus tour of project sites has been is a popular annual tradition for the folks running Trout Unlimited’s Driftless Area Restoration Effort.  This year’s tour in Wisconsin in October drew nearly 75 people for a busy day of walking stream habitat projects in the Hudson-Menomonie areas of the Northern Driftless Area.  This falls…