Hope in dry times
How we’re making key Western streams more hospitable for trout and people in the hotter, drier present
How we’re making key Western streams more hospitable for trout and people in the hotter, drier present
Contact:Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, (571) 274-0601, emooney@tu.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Utah Trout Unlimited staff member receives prestigious Bureau of Land Management award Kirk Dahle receives distinguished award for restoration work on Otter Creek Salt Lake City, Utah The Utah Bureau of Land Management (BLM) awarded Kirk Dahle, a restoration coordinator with Trout Unlimited, with the
Friday, October 4, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, lsteen@tu.org Kelly Owens, Forest Hydrologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-739-5598, kelly.owens@usda.gov Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) announced today that Phase 2 of the Tribasin Fish Passage and Watersehd Restoration Project is scheduled to begin during the fall
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 Contacts: Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, lsteen@tu.org Patrick Barry, Forest Fisheries Biologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-886-5330, Patrick.m.barry@usda.gov Kelly Owens, Forest Hydrologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-739-5598, kelly.owens@usda.gov Tribasin Fish Passage and Watershed Restoration Project Begins in Upper Greys River Watershed. Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) announced today
New leadership and investments in people reflect growing federal partnerships and project funding across the region.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 14, 2015 Contact: Scott Yates, (Upper Columbia, Gunnison River Basins), (307) 349-0753 Warren Colyer, (Bear, Blackfoot River Basins), (435) 881-2149 Randy Scholfield (TU communications), (720) 375-3961 Steve Moyer (National), (703) 284-9406 Trout Unlimited hails new, better day for fisheries conservation on the farm NRCS-funded projects deliver benefits for fish, farm and
Contacts: Dan Roper, New Mexico State Lead, Trout Unlimited, dan.roper@tu.org Ivan Valdez, Owner, The Reel Life Fly Shop, Santa Fe, NM – ivanjvaldez@yahoo.com Santa Fe, NM – The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today that approximately 166,000 acres of public land in the headwaters of New Mexico’s
Dedicated group of men and women serving the Upper Bear River in Southwest Wyoming.
What would happen if TU went away?
The Deerfield River Watershed Chapter is committed to the conservation of cold water resources in our catchment area. This includes the mainstem of the Deerfield River and her major tributaries: The Chickley River, Cold River, Clesson Brook, North River, Bear River, South River, Green River as well as her minor tributaries. Our conservation efforts are
Trout Unlimited has undertaken several movement studies to determine when and where Bear River cutthroat trout move. These studies have helped us identify conservation needs such as removal of barriers blocking spawning runs, and to determine if fish successfully access upstream habitat after barriers are removed. Following trout movement in the Bear River Cutthroat trout