
Fishing | Page 3

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    Tip – aerial mends

    At times it’s necessary to put a mend in your line before it hits the water. Watch as Far Bank’s Simon Gawesworth walks us through how to do just that with aerial mends, and then go give it a try.

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    Tip – underwater world of brook trout

    Watch this stunner of a video following wild, eastern brook trout to get a sense of their behaviors, curiosity and impressive sizes. You’re sure to learn a thing or two for your next fishing adventure once the waters cool off a bit on your favorite small stream.

  • Fishing

    Audience of One

    DIY anglers have only regulations and their own consciences to follow We made the agreement long before we headed north. We were driving down a highway in Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains, recapping our recent fishing trip (for tiny brook trout) and planning the next one (for monster bull trout). “If we have any luck finding bull…