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  • Trout Talk Featured

    Starting over before an Alaska fishing trip

    What to do when your fly box looks like the dog coughed up a flamingo

    A rebuilt fly box for a trip to Alaska. When the old fly box just won't cut it anymore When I booked a place to stay in Southeast Alaska for this coming week, I still had eastern Idaho carp on the brain. Like a lot of anglers, I have a running "fishing calendar" — a…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Starting over before an Alaska fishing trip

    Rather than an orderly collection of streamers, Gurglers and Egg-sucking Leaches, it looked, as I explained to my friends on a group chat as we planned out the week ahead, like the dog had coughed up a flamingo

    A rebuilt fly box for a trip to Alaska. When the old fly box just won't cut it anymore When I booked a place to stay in Southeast Alaska for this coming week, I still had eastern Idaho carp on the brain. Like a lot of anglers, I have a running "fishing calendar" — a…

  • Trout Talk Featured Fishing

    It’s bull trout time in Idaho

    Roger Phillips photo. By Roger Phillips They’re big, they’re hard-fighting, and they’re one of Idaho’s most overlooked trophy fishing opportunities, but many anglers are still confused about whether they can target bull trout for catch-and-release fishing. The short answer is yes.  When bull trout were listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act in…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Toughen up your small dry flies with UV resin

    I took to finishing these small flies with the smallest dollop of thin UV-reactive resin I could squeeze out of the bottle

    I’ve always been something of a ham-handed fly tier, and, generally speaking, the bigger the fly, the easier it is for me to tie. I’m a big guy at six-foot-five, and my hands correspond to my height. They just aren’t meant for detail work. But I live in eastern Idaho, and during fall and winter,…