Drought, wildfires and our work
These are the dog days of summer.
These are the dog days of summer. A stretch of continued hot weather and low precipitation left communities on the Front Range of Colorado, where I’m writing from, threatened by several wildfires that popped up at the end of July. These fires are a vivid reminder of what others across the 11-state western region are…
Working towards a solution
Montana TU is collaborating and trying to come up with answers and solutions for trout health issues in SW Montana. Early this summer, biologists with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) presented stark findings from this year’s population surveys for brown and rainbow trout in southwest Montana. The surveys indicated that populations in some of…
TU projects fare well in Northeast flooding
When recent heavy rains pummeled the Northeast, the immediate priority was safety for the region’s residents. Now that deadly flood waters have receded, New Englanders are grappling with both the emotional scars of the devastation to lives and property and assessing the damage and moving forward toward recovery. Trout Unlimited seasonal stream technician Mo Ouren…
The True Cast – Why the United States is the Envy of the Fishing World
There’s always much to celebrate on Independence Day.
There’s always much to celebrate on Independence Day. Sure, we’re living in divisive times and there are things that concern most of us for different reasons and in different ways in America these days. But the bottom line is that this collective “experiment in democracy” is still kicking (and then some) 247 years after a…
Watch conservation from the skies in “Romeo November”
TU partners with Lighthawk and American Rivers to highlight three conservation projects helping to recover the Colorado River Basin Providing water to 40 million people, countless wildlife and the region’s economy, the Colorado River is truly the lifeblood of the American Southwest – and it is drying up, quickly. Decades of drought, climate change, and…
$20 Million Grant Jumpstarts Wyoming Climate Resiliency Work
The valleys of the Teton and Gros Ventre Ranges, with their iconic landscape and waters, illustrate the beauty and longevity of nature. But what will it look like 100 years from now? With climate change and drought wreaking havoc on streams across the country, we are more motivated than ever to invest in climate resiliency…
Unfishing Season
Abstaining from fishing doesn’t just happen. There must be a reason. As New Mexico swims through its third fat month of monsoon season, I’ve barely noticed how much water is in our streams. Winter was scary dry, then our shirt-sleeve spring collided with New Mexico’s largest-ever wildfire. Every morning from April to July, I stepped…