
dam removal

  • Snake River

    By the numbers on the Snake

    Understanding the metrics used to evaluate and represent recovery of wild salmon and steelhead in the Snake River basin is an exercise worthy of a Ph.D. From annual abundance numbers, to understanding Endangered Species Act delisting criteria, to smolt-to-adult return ratios (SARs) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) survival statistics, the numbers can…

  • Snake River dams Snake River

    Time to go all in

    Current efforts are no longer cutting it for salmon and steelhead survival on the lower Snake It’s high time we admit we got it wrong; salmon and steelhead cannot survive in a highly modified river system like the lower Snake River. Despite our best intentions, the facts remain the same: Chinook salmon, steelhead and sockeye…

  • Dam Removal

    Klamath reconnected: The four dams are gone

    Blasting at Copco 1 Dam. Photo: Swiftwater Films Big things happen when committed people decide that failure is not an option Between my roles at Trout Unlimited and on the board of directors at the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC), I’ve visited Iron Gate Dam countless times over the years. But this time, it was…

  • Dam Removal Conservation

    Another milestone in Eel River restoration

    Strengthening protections for Eel River tributaries to help recover native salmon and steelhead California’s Eel River got its modern name from the swarms of Pacific lamprey that once plowed up and down its length, but it’s more famous for its wild steelhead and salmon –– and, unfortunately, for the dramatic decline in those fisheries over…

  • Dam Removal

    New Podcast: Klamath dam removal updates

    TU’s Brian Johnson and filmmaker Shane Anderson join The River Rambler podcast to share observations from the biggest river reconnection project in history Brian Johnson, TU’s senior policy advisor for western water and climate returned to The River Rambler podcast for a fascinating conversation about the unfolding Klamath dam removals with host Richard Harrington and…