
Shauna Stephenson

  • Voices from the river

    Tomatoes for trout

    Earlier this month the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change put out a report that told us what every good mother has been saying for decades: Eat your vegetables. Clean your plate. Eat less beef. Finish your beans. True, that's an oversimplification. But for me it hits home. I spend a fair bit of time worrying…

  • Voices from the river Fishing

    On grayling and guilt

    Returning to the valley a year after surgery. The way I figure it, they probably stopped her heart around 1 p.m. The bypass machines kicked on and in my mind they sounded like the soothing white noise of a ceiling fan. Peaceful. I don't know if a person subconsciously takes in any noise during surgery,…

  • Making small talk

    One of my co-workers always likes to start a conversation talking about the weather. Usually it happens in the dead of winter. He lives in Arizona. I live in Montana. "How's the winter?" he will ask. "Oh. Cold. Minus 20 yesterday. The same today." He'll laugh and I will huddle closer to the fire, waiting…

  • Tourist season

    A rider in the Tobacco Root Mountains We love having visitors in Montana. For one, it's a huge driver for our economy—we've got an obscenity of riches when it comes to outdoor recreation opportunities and were I to live anywhere else, Montana is where I'd long to be. But by the end of July, after…