
Priority Waters

  • Priority Waters

    Catching the window

    To me, there is no better sound to fall asleep to than that of moving water. It’s the white noise itself, but I also think it’s the knowing that water is nearby. When I have this luxury, it usually means that I just went fishing or am about to go fishing, or both, which is…

  • Priority Waters

    Fishing the Olympic Peninsula

    Angling on the peninsula can be had year-round and is especially unique because of how dynamic the rivers are and how much they change from one season to the next.

    “So, where are you guys gonna fish tomorrow?” Everyone at the high top table went silent and stared at us. Mike and I exchanged glances and shifted in our bar stools. For the last twenty minutes or so, we’d tactfully avoided the question - and therefore having to answer it - while our friends went…

  • Priority Waters

    Caring for the Kenai

    Renowned Alaskan river is part of TU’s Priority Waters Alaska’s famed Kenai River is beloved by many. Its frigid, glacial-blue waters run 82 miles and offers great fishing throughout. The abundance of easily accessible fishing opportunities attracts visitors and residents alike. This cherished river is one of Trout Unlimited’s Priority Waters, and I’m here to…