Currently browsing… California
Russian River coho and steelhead conservation update
The Russian River watershed, north of San Francisco, is the focus of an intensive, multi-year effort to recover coho salmon – now one of the rarest native fish species in California. TU is playing a lead role in this effort through the Russian River Coho Water Resources Partnership. The focus of the Partnership is boosting…
Skate punks and disc golf
In praise of urban trout streams The thought occurred to me while I was fishing under the Highway 20 bridge over the lower Yuba River in California’s Gold Country. To reach the water I had crossed a floodplain so altered by quarrying, mining and off-road vehicles that it more resembled a moonscape than a functional…
Fishy people stories
We all know that some people have a transcendental ability to find and catch fish. This ability typically derives from an unteachable, instinctive feel for the water and how its piscine residents move and feed in it and is honed by years of dedication to the craft. These people are often referred to as “fishy.”…
Northern California summer steelhead could be listed by 2020
We love all steelhead here at Wild Steelheaders United and Trout Unlimited, but some anadromous O. mykiss populations may deserve more love than others. Consider wild summer run steelhead in Northern California. The available data for wild summers between Redwood Creek and the Gualala River (including the legendary Eel River watershed) suggest their numbers are greatly…
One fish
A single fish made me really happy recently, and I wasn’t even fishing. To be sure, this was no ordinary fish. It was a brute of a steelhead, as long as my arm and 12 pounds in heft, easy. So perhaps anyone seeing it languidly finning just upstream of the bridge footing nine miles from…