Tongass turns to restoration
Many visitors travel to Alaska to witness the classic scene of bears feeding on salmon. Those who travel to southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest often visit Margaret Creek, a remote salmon stream 22 miles north of Ketchikan. Although, this area is not the pristine wilderness most expect to experience. Margaret Creek is home to sockeye,…
Planning for the Klamath dams to come down
TU partners with NOAA to prioritize high-impact restoration projects in anticipation of salmon returning After decades of advocacy and work by a dedicated coalition of tribes, conservationists, anglers, and commercial fisherman, four dams on the lower Klamath River are finally coming down. Removing these barriers will improve water quality, greatly reduce the disease outbreaks killing…
NOAA: $20M for Trout Unlimited fish passage work
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding supports projects in Washington State, California, Michigan, and Wisconsin This week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Restoration Center announced a broad suite of new projects recommended to receive funding through its Restoring Fish Passage Through Barrier Removal program, supported with new funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Four…
The call for rapid change
The call for rapid change Greg McReynolds Dec 12, 2022 Beneath the slack water, it’s all still there. The main channel, braided in places, lined with reef and rock, hemmed in with granite and the dark loam that fueled the old orchards. Only 100 feet of water, less in most places, inundates the river below.…
Watch now: Little Stream, Big Magic
Film highlights how U.S. Fish & Wildlife and TU are teaming up for brook trout in West Virginia In the opening seconds of the new film “Little Stream, Big Magic,” Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman drops a profound and powerful tip. “If you want to know the secret to catching fish,” Wichterman starts before breaking into…
Trout Unlimited, Forest Service launch $40 million initiative
New chapter in a longstanding partnership to recover and reconnect trout waters on public lands A century ago, Gifford Pinchot wrote: “The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only if we make ourselves, in a sense, responsible for that future.” As the nation’s first head of the U.S. Forest Service after its…
Colorado greenbacks are … back
After more than a decade of work, the greenback cutthroat trout is now reproducing in its native range Seven years ago, on a cool mid-September morning, I joined other Colorado Trout Unlimited members and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) staff at a 10,000-foot trailhead to Herman Gulch, a stream located in Arapaho National Forest west of…
