
mill creek

  • Priority Waters

    Catching the window

    To me, there is no better sound to fall asleep to than that of moving water. It’s the white noise itself, but I also think it’s the knowing that water is nearby. When I have this luxury, it usually means that I just went fishing or am about to go fishing, or both, which is…

  • Restoration

    Preventing a death by a thousand cuts

    Protecting Yellowstone Cutthroat from deadly threats in their historical range.

    Protecting what’s left of Montana’s most iconic cutthroat population It’s incredible to catch a Yellowstone Cutthroat just outside of America’s first National Park – one that anglers flock to from all around the world to experience. But we’re catching less of them now than ever before. Yellowstone Cutthroat trout now occupy about 43% of their…