Currently browsing… restoration
Faces of Restoration: Brett Carlson restores Wyoming
TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these Contractors. We hire equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, material suppliers, engineers, technicians, and water testing labs. They are unique, talented, humble and some are downright wild, but TU’s Contractors are a…
Faces of Restoration: Capitan Forestry in Oregon
TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these Contractors. We hire equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, material suppliers, engineers, technicians, and water testing labs. They are unique, talented, humble and some are downright wild, but TU’s Contractors are a…
Our ‘green lands’
“To protect and restore trout and salmon and the watersheds on which they depend.” The mission of Trout Unlimited cannot be accomplished without the help of partners. One of our most important partners is the United States Forest Service. The Forest Service manages over 191 million acres of public land that are jointly owned by…
Seth Green chapter seeking to restore a paradise lost
By Cal Curtice "This is probably the last generation of trout fishers." — Forest and Stream Magazine 1879 In 1620, virgin forest covered the United States from the tip of northern Maine, south to central Florida, and west beyond the Mississippi River. Native brook trout swam throughout their cool, clean waters, including those in the Finger…
Lessons from Warren and Scott
Trout Unlimited members, and many of our staff, love to fish. Perhaps none more than Scott Yates and Warren Colyer, both of whom co-lead our largest staff cohort, the Western Water and Habitat program. One of my favorite memories at TU was fishing on Wyoming’s Gros Ventre River at dusk. I was working the far…
Restoration drives advocacy in the Great Lakes, thankfully
Many conservation organizations are great at on-the-ground habitat restoration. Others excel at policy advocacy. Trout Unlimited is one of the few that shine at both. Our recipe for success is simple. We take the results and good will generated by the partnerships, relationships, and in many cases, friendships created through our restoration work, and use…
Grand Valley State U film crew highlights Green Team
Students in the Producing for Clients class at Grand Valley State University spend a semester working with nonprofit organizations to create a video that serves the needs of that organization. This fall, GVSU had a campus-wide focus on water-related issues so students teamed up with Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative to produce a video that could help enhance their work. They created…