
snake river dams

  • Snake River dams Snake River

    Time to go all in

    Current efforts are no longer cutting it for salmon and steelhead survival on the lower Snake It’s high time we admit we got it wrong; salmon and steelhead cannot survive in a highly modified river system like the lower Snake River. Despite our best intentions, the facts remain the same: Chinook salmon, steelhead and sockeye…

  • Snake River Snake River dams

    Clearwater Daze

    A pair of Great Lakes spey anglers share their love for Idaho’s Clearwater River, its big steelhead, and their support for breaching the Lower Snake River Dams Idaho steelhead are just built differently. They have a special kind of folk hero status in my brain, partly driven by their “Mariners and Mountaineers” reputation. Even the…

  • From the President

    A National Network of Priority Waters

    Tom Sawyer was made to whitewash the fence as a punishment for being mischievous, but he appeared to be having such a good time with the chore that soon all his friends were bribing him with apples, feathers and other trinkets so they could paint, too. There’s a lesson in Mark Twain’s story that speaks…

  • Snake River dams

    TU stands up for Snake River salmon in congressional hearing

    Trout Unlimited vice president of government affairs, Lindsay Slater, represented salmon advocates in Congress Tuesday at a hearing ominously titled, “Left in the Dark: Examining the Biden Administration’s Efforts to Eliminate the Pacific Northwest’s Clean Energy Production.” Slater, who grew up on a fifth-generation family farm on the Wallowa River in eastern Oregon, told the…

  • TROUT Magazine Snake River dams

    Naxiyam Wana and the Uniter

    Editor’s Note: This Native American Heritage Month, Trout Unlimited is celebrating and honoring the efforts of our tribal partners who, since time immemorial, have been stewards of the lands, waters and wildlife they hold sacred. We are inspired by the stories of the Nez Perce working to recover salmon on the Snake River, of the…

  • Dam Removal

    Naxiyam Wana and the Uniter

    Editor’s Note: This Native American Heritage Month, Trout Unlimited is celebrating and honoring the efforts of our tribal partners who, since time immemorial, have been stewards of the lands, waters and wildlife they hold sacred. We are inspired by the stories of the Nez Perce working to recover salmon on the Snake River, of the…

  • Fishing

    Business Depends on It

    We find ourselves advocating for what we love. It’s the unintentional experiences that cement our passion to conserve and protect. For Grant Richie, owner and operator of Minam Store Outfitters, that is clearly the case. Grant is a passionate advocate for cold-water fisheries, particularly the Grande Ronde River system. While attending college in Walla Walla,…