Search results for “bristol bay”

Dispatch from Apacheria

Published in Fishing
Man with a fishing pole walks through a glen towards mountains

It is July in Arizona, and the heat lies out there like some hulking great beast, a monster with an appetite that seems always unsated.

Arctic char: all you need to know

Published in Fishing

Tim Romano photo. Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) Species status and summary: In Alaska, Arctic char are often confused with a closely related species, Salvelinus malma (Dolly Varden), since Dolly Varden have similar coloration and inhabit the same locations as Arctic char. In many cases, definitively distinguishing Arctic char from a Dolly Varden requires close examination

Long road trip a journey through TU wins

Published in Restoration, Conservation

“You’re driving?”  The question came with an unmistakable tone of incredulity.  I had just told a friend that I would be driving from my home in Virginia to a conference in northern Vermont. Their surprise was understandable. The shortest route from my home in Roanoke to Jay Peak Resort is 824 miles.   There was a method to

Voices from the River: The girl who walks in water

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt When she was 11 months old, Delaney took some of her first ungainly steps in the blond sand of Luffenholzt Beach and dipped her toes in the cold Pacific. When she was 2, she stepped barefoot into the frigid September waters of Toponce Creek, high in the Portneuf Range of southeast Idaho.

30 Great Places: Canaan Valley

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Location: Mid-AppalachiaActivities: Hiking; biking; hunting; fishingSpecies: White-tailed deer; black bear; wild turkey; ruffed grouse; brook and brown and trout; largemouth bass Where: Canaan Valley (pronounced “Ca-nane”) National Wildlife Refuge protects 16,550 acres in the Allegheny Mountains in Tucker County, in north central West Virginia. It rests at 3,200 feet, making it the highest elevation valley

Brook trout discovery yet more proof that headwaters matter

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By Jeff Reardon I’m following a green state truck through Freeport, a coastal Maine town best known as the home of L.L. Bean, horrendous summer traffic and outlet malls, when the truck slams to a stop on a busy road. I know this isn’t the right spot, but I check my GPS anyway. No, it’s

EPA suspends Clean Water Rule — implications for clean water?

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What does EPA’s suspension of the 2015 Clean Water Rule mean for water quality, trout streams and anglers? After several rounds of litigation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced yesterday that it has finalized a rule that will suspend the 2015 Clean Water Rule for two years. Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled

Farm Bill programs making a difference in WVa

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The author’s son, RJ, shows off a native brook trout from the restored stream on the family’s land. By Greg Hulver I come from a family of farmers in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, specifically, the Cacapon River watershed. Long ago my family settled this area, and the land that we own has been

Funding for Delaware Basin a promising start

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A section of the Musconetcong River in New Jersey restored by TU. (TU/Brian Cowden) By David Kinney For the first time, Congress is setting aside dedicated funds for conservation efforts in the Delaware River Basin. Consider the $5 million appropriation included in the new budget agreement a down payment for the Delaware River Basin Restoration

TU has big presence for World Fishing Day

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World Fishing Day is Saturday, June 23, and, with the help of FishingTV, Trout Unlimited will be a big part of the 24-hour live webcast. TU will be on hand for two live webcasts, starting at 3 p.m. MT in Denver, where host Corinne Doctor of Rep Your Water will examine the great improvements in

Voices from the River: Potomac treasures

Published in Voices from the river

By Mark Taylor “Birds!” We were drifting near the Bloody Point Bar Light in the Chesapeake Bay near Kent Island when Joe McGurrin made the observation. “How did I miss those?” he wondered while firing up the outboard on his vintage Grady White cuddy cabin. A few minutes later we were easing into the fray,

Upper James River Home Rivers Initiative

Goals The Upper James River watershed drains more than 3,000 square miles of western Virginia encompassing 10 counties and hundreds of tributary streams — the lifeblood of the James River. The majority of these mountain streams and high valley creeks historically sustained abundant populations of native brook trout and provided a steady source of clean

Bipartisan effort needed to protect Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

Published in Conservation

By Taylor Ridderbusch   For the third consecutive year, the Trump Administration’s budget proposal looks to cut critical programs that protect and restore coldwater resources and that form the foundation of multi-billion dollar commercial and recreational fishing economies.   The proposal would significantly cut funding to the EPA and other agencies, essentially eliminating programs such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), Section

New Streamflow Improvement Plan helps coho in key Russian River tributary

Published in Science, Conservation

Coho salmon are native to California coastal streams north of Monterey Bay, but populations of “silvers” in this region have been declining for decades and the species is now listed as Endangered in the Golden State. Trout Unlimited is heavily invested in cooperative efforts to recover California coho. One product of this work is development

Trout Unlimited Applauds Upper Delaware River congressional Delegation for Working to Secure Funding to Improve Delaware River Flows

12/8/2003 Trout Unlimited Applauds Upper Delaware River congressional Delegation for Working to Secure Funding to Improve Delaware River Flows Trout Unlimited Applauds Upper Delaware River Congressional Delegation for Working to Secure Funding to Improve Delaware River Flows Contact: Leon Szeptycki Eastern Conservation Director Trout Unlimited 434.984.4919 12/8/2003 — Washington, D.C. — Trout Unlimited (TU) and

EPA announces process to rescind Clean Water Rule

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EPA announces process to rescind Clean Water Rule Repealing the rule puts thousands of miles of stream at risk CONTACT:Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it would begin the process of repealing and replacing the Clean Water Rule in accordance

Trout Unlimited Praises Senate Reauthorization of Farm Bill, Urges Swift House Passage

Contact:Russ Schnitzer, (307) 438-1365Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Praises Senate Reauthorization of Farm Bill, Urges Swift House Passage Conservation Programs a Proven Investment in Nation’s Outdoor Heritage and Rural Communities Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited today commended the U.S. Senate for voting to reauthorize the Farm Bill and ensure that its highly

Drought rider to water bill bad for fish and anglers

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It’s no secret that the American legislative process has some disagreeable aspects. Some pieces of law get passed not because they pass the smell test but because they get packaged with other stuff that has to be enacted. This week the House of Representatives passed such a bill–a measure that could do great harm to

Proposed dam threatens CA’s Bear River

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Fishing the Bear River. This reach would be inundated by the proposed Centennial Dam. By Chandra Ferrari With California just emerging from five years of punishing drought, there continues to be a lot of discussion about creating more water storage. While the fastest and most affordable way to capture and store more water is to