
Josh Duplechian

  • Boats

    The River Dog

    Dogs have their place on a boat, period. Pardon my preference to the canine companions we all love so much but it’s true. When you bring a dog on a boat, or in our case a barge sized raft loaded to the gills with camping equipment, you often spend your day receiving smiles and waves…

  • Boats

    A raft without air?

    How a small leak can mean big problems down the line in·flat·a·ble /inˈflādəb(ə)l/ Inflatable. Pretty simple to infer what it means, but by definition it’s the capability to be inflated with air. It also happens to be one of the most important components for any inflatable raft, kayak or paddle board. A couple weeks ago, after…

  • Boats

    Learning from our mistakes

    The greatest part about making mistakes is learning something new. Some say if you’re not making mistakes then you’re not getting better. I couldn’t agree more. Recently, on a trip down to southern Utah with the family in tow, I learned that it’s no fun to disassemble an entire 14-foot raft and all of its…

  • Boats

    Learning to row

    There’s no better time to start. Growing up as a Midwestern kid from the suburbs, I didn’t know much about the outdoors. Being from Ohio, we didn’t camp a lot. Rivers were a bit foreign to our family of six. Don’t get me wrong, we fished, swam and rode bikes until the streetlights came on…

  • Boats

    The West is full of great rivers to float

    Didn't draw a lottery permit? No problem It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, I’m not referencing the holiday season in December. I’m talking about river permit season. Most have chosen their dates meticulously with groups of people on rivers like the Smith, the Green, the Yampa, the San Juan and the list…

  • Boats

    The Thalweg: Of boats, rivers and obsessions

    One could say I have a healthy obsession with rivers. There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think about the sounds, sights and smells of a river. The love of being on a river is shown directly, not only in my photographs, but also in trip planning with family and friends. Hell, I’ve even convinced someone to let me make a career protecting rivers.

    Editor's note: Thalweg is a frequent blog about boats and the waters we float. It's composed by TU Senior Producer Josh Duplechian and Tim Romano, an award-winning photographer. Obsessions are born from experiences, and often fed by insatiable curiosity. Quiet nights spent studying while weekday lunch breaks leave many daydreaming. One could say I have…