Trout Unlimited supports responsible forms of development — as sportsmen and women, we use our fair share of resources. The same is true for responsible mining — but we have to find a balance. And that balance has to recognize there are places that are simply too special to develop, be it oil and gas, timber, or even subdivisions.
There are two requirements for quality hunting and fishing opportunities: healthy habitat and access. We believe responsible land management can provide for both, but it doesn’t happen by accident. Responsible land management requires careful planning and a commitment from stakeholder groups, the public and decision makers to get it right. Collaboration with affected stakeholders is critical to strike the appropriate balance and heed Theodore Roosevelt’s call to pass on our natural resources to the next generation “increased and not impaired in value”.
The world needs metals and men need work, but they also must have wilderness and beauty, and in the years to come will need it even more.
Sigurd Olson, Open Horizons
Sigurd Olson, Open Horizons

Our country is blessed with millions of acres of public lands, the best of which are still wild and remote and teeming with fish and game. But as development takes hold, we lose precious backcountry, which directly impacts trout and salmon habitat. As a result, we as anglers lose opportunity. We work with all parties to protect the best of what’s left of our irreplaceable habitat on public lands in hopes of protecting the best hunting and fishing and fish and wildlife habitat left in America and ensure that our public land management agencies have the right policies and procedures in place to steward America’s best idea.
Help us protect the places you love to fish, and to make your fishing better.