Vander Werff joins TU staff to lead project work in CT
TU’s Northeast Conservation program has welcomed a key role player to the team. Jon C. Vander Werff is TU’s new Connecticut project manager. Vander Werff will orchestrate the 2025 Norwalk River Cannondale Dam (below) removal project, partnering with regional staff leads Tracy Brown and Jesse Vadala to execute this major project and connect our mission…
2024 Photo Essay
2024 Recap (so far) - Photo Essay (Photos by Swiftwater Films) Iron Gate was over 500 feet wide and stood as tall as a seventeen-story building. The farthest downstream of four Klamath barriers dismantled over the past year in the largest dam removal project in history, it impounded a reservoir covering over 1,000 acres and…
Nuts and Bolts
Nuts and BoltsThe intense effort and partnership behind restoring fish habitat on a remote Alaskan island This summer, Trout Unlimited completed a major restoration project on Kuiu Island in the Tongass National Forest 9 fish blocking culverts were removed 5 were replaced with new fish-friendly culvert designs and 4 were replaced with water bars and…
Good Sam – how we got here
Do you remember what you were doing in 2004? Here are a few memory-joggers: Facebook was launched. The last episode of the sitcom Friends was aired. President George W. Bush was reelected, narrowly defeating John Kerry. Trout Unlimited and the Forest Service launched a partnership to begin cleaning up abandoned mines in the western US.…
In California, TU takes down another dam
Reconnecting prime spawning and rearing habitat for Central Coast steelhead If April is the cruelest month, October is the least cruel. The summer heat finally breaks, trees explode in color, big orange caddis bounce around and salmon and steelhead are pushing into rivers. October is also the end of the construction season for many Trout…
AOP surveys continue in Driftless Area
The summer of 2024 was our second year having field technicians working across the Driftless Area to assess the condition, fish passage status and flood vulnerability of bridges and culverts on our coldwater streams. This work is often termed “Aquatic Organism Passage” or AOP due to the broad ecosystem benefits that are achieved when…
‘We never give up.’ Watch Chris Wood’s State of Trout Unlimited 2024
We’ve accomplished so much over the past year. Salmon are returning to the Klamath River after the largest dam removal project anywhere. Apache trout are off the endangered species list and on the road to recovery. Good Samaritan abandoned mine cleanup legislation is nearing the finish line. From Vermont to Virginia and the Driftless to…
