Search results for “delaware river basin”
Nick Halle, TU’s volunteer operations coordinator, kept at it even after falling in over his head and was rewarded with this nice buck steelhead from Ohio’s Conneaut Creek during a recent TU staff steelhead outing. By Mark Taylor “I’ve lost all faith.” The admission came from Keith Curley as we stood in the snow on
We all know that 2020 was far from a normal year. Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Trout Unlimited’s team in New York soldiered on. The team, which continues to grow, was able to accomplish many key projects in the field as well as to continue advocacy efforts. Below are a few of the highlights from 2020, as well as a look ahead to what’s on the horizon for 2021.
“Wait? What? You’ve never fished the Delaware River?” If you live in the East and are an avid (borderline obsessed) trout angler, this is the kind of thing you will hear from peers if you admit that you’ve never wet a line in one of the East’s most famous trout rivers. I got it again
Major energy development proposals have such enormous implications for our waters and fisheries that there must be a high bar for approval
A Step Forward For The Ailing Delaware River, Fishery Still At Risk From Drought A Step Forward For The Ailing Delaware River, Fishery Still At Risk From Drought Trout Unlimited applauds DRBC action, calls for scientific review of flows for Upper Delaware tailwaters Contact: Nat Gillespie Catskills Coordinator TU (607) 498-5960 4/5/2002 — Hancock, N.Y
By David Kinney None of us had laid eyes on the stream before, and as it turned out, we were just a bit over-equipped for the task at hand. We had four- and five-weight rods, chest waders, and a thousand flies, among them the blue-winged olives and Isonychia we’d been told to expect. One of
What do bridges, highways, and rail have to do with wild and native trout and salmon?
170711_TU_FY18_IER_Approps_House_FNL.pdf July 11, 2017 RE: Interior, Environment, and Related: Proposed FY18 Budget Cuts. Dear Chairman Calvert, Ranking Member McCollum, and members of the Subcommittee: I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU), regarding Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for programs within your jurisdiction. These programs are of great interest to TU, and critical to the
Joe Liesman and Chris Pullano recently joined the Trout Unlimited staff for six-month stints as technicians in the Upper Delaware River basin. We recently caught up with the two avid conservationists and anglers to see how things have been going. Q: Talk a little about your backgrounds. Where did you grow up and what got you interested
Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, and Tribal communities stand to receive substantial economic benefits for local conservation priorities
Separated by several years, two events are working together to make a great trout stream in the Catskills even better.
Salmon and steelhead are roaring back above the recently removed Klamath dams. Now, what comes next?
Trout Unlimited’s staff and municipal partners continue to work diligently to complete a wide-spanning list of New York priority culvert surveys and replacements. The reconnection of fragmented and dammed rivers resides at the core of our strategy to improve habitat for New York’s wild trout. With our small but mighty team, we reconnected over 30
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By Cole Baldino To the average angler, New Jersey may not seem like a top fishing destination, but if you live in the Nor theast, it should be. A plethora of coldwater streams drain from the New Jersey Highlands and into the Delaware River, and Trout Unlimited is working to make the fishing even better
In the Colorado River, not far from Rocky Mountain National Park, wild trout are returning to a once-degraded stretch of water.