Starting A New Chapter

Starting A New Chapter

New Trout Unlimited chapters are critical to the health and well-being of our efforts to bring the coldwater conservation mission to life.  With the excitement of forming and cultivating a new chapter it is also important to recognize the energy that goes into this undertaking.

When expressing interest in the formation of a new chapter, it is important to understand the foundational elements that come together to set the stage for a newly launched chapter to succeed.  Having an adequate number of active members, sufficient start-up funding and council support are critical facets to a successful start-up endeavor. 

Your first step is to reach out to your state council. From there, your council will reach out to the VolOps staff to begin the process.

Alternatives to a New Chapter
Not all start-ups are primed to become formal chapters.  Some efforts are best organized into committees of an existing chapter or an alternative engagement group until capacity and buy-in are cultivated for success as a stand alone chapter.

From time to time, chapters and councils may find folks who are very motivated by the TU mission, however, they may not want to participate within the traditional TU chapter structure. One way chapters and councils have worked around this is to create an alternative engagement group that in effect acts as a committee of the parent chapter or council. These groups would be comprised of members with an interest in and connection to a local area, combined with the support and guidance of an existing “parent chapter” or “parent council”. Learn more about alternative engagement group operations or contact your Volunteer Operations staff to learn more.