Currently browsing… brook trout

  • Voices from the river Featured

    High mountain streams feed the soul

    After some much-needed good news on the cancer front, I grabbed my cowboy hat and 1-weight and headed out the door. It was time to celebrate and I intended on doing just that by mountain biking and fishing (sometimes combined) on my gorgeous public lands.   I pulled into the spot where I hiked out last week and trekked to see what this next section…

  • Conservation

    Beer boost: Team effort improves habitat on Virginia’s Beaver Creek

    By Mark Taylor  A team approach is helping improve trout habitat on a popular fishing stream near Harrisonburg, Va.  Trout Unlimited’s national staff partnered with the local TU chapter and a property owner to improve a section of Beaver Creek, a spring-fed stream that runs through private land but that is open to public fishing through a unique cooperative program.  The…

  • Voices from the river Featured

    It’s OK to have a few secret spots

    [et_pb_section admin_label="section"] [et_pb_row admin_label="row"] [et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] Rabid protection of secret spots can be tricky. I think back to one I protected with a vigor that bordered on irrational paranoia.  It was a small stream not far from Roanoke, Va., and I fished it for the first time not long after I moved to the…

  • Featured

    We are TU: Meet Ryan Heisler

    How 'growing up with Trout Unlimited' leaves a mark

    We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us.     Thanks to initiatives such as TU’s decades-old Women’s Initiative – now Diversity and Inclusion Initiative – and those of our partners, new groups…

  • Conservation Community Science

    Draining pond in Maine has good unintended results

    By Jeff Reardon Since 2014, TU’s Merrymeeting Bay Chapter has been focused on brook trout in coastal streams, at least some of which migrate downstream to saltwater for part of their life.   They’ve been working with me to document brook trout populations in previously un-surveyed streams by angling and electrofishing surveys; monitor water temperatures with long-term data loggers; and,…

  • Conservation Fishing Travel TROUT Magazine

    Spawning brookies in Moosehead Lake offer hope in the face of challenges

    The headline was an attention grabber, and the story went viral almost instantly: “Monster Brook Trout Are Spawning  on Moosehead Lake’s Shore.”  Based on my Facebook feed about half of my angling acquaintances immediately made plans for winter ice fishing or shoreline trolling right after ice out next May.  Maine’s Moosehead Lake is legendary. The largest…

  • Voices from the river Fishing

    Beavers in heaven

    By Bradley Thornton Riffee We crept up a beaver creek on a cool fall day filled with nothing but sunshine. The colorful leaves in all their glory brightened our world as we set out to find our native brook trout friends patrolling their mud-packed ponds. Dragonflies of October danced across an eastern breeze as we…