

  • Trout Talk

    On native trout, wild browns, and common sense

    TU has done more to protect and sustain and restore native trout species than any other organization, and it’s not close.

    It’s always good to chat with my old friend Tom Rosenbauer, host of the Orvis Fly Fishing Podcast. Apparently, the episode we did together last week caused a few folks some concern because they couldn’t understand how I could like fishing for brown trout and other wild, though non-native fish, and at the same time…

  • Fly tying Trout Talk

    The easiest mouse pattern you’ll ever tie

    I asked my long-time fishing buddies what flies I should be tying for this sure-to-be-epic adventure in the Andes, and I got back a single-word reply from one of them: "Mice."

    A quick-and-easy adaptation of the Morrish Mouse. All photos by Chris Hunt. I'm headed down to Chilean Patagonia early next month — I'll leave the chill of Idaho's autumn for spring in the Southern Hemisphere, all for some trout fishing based out of Magic Waters Lodge. I asked my long-time fishing buddies what flies I…

  • Travel Featured

    Plying the Andean flats for giant browns

    Chris Hunt photo. A distinctly tropical experience in a distinctly trouty wonderland Imagine gliding over that stereotypical, crystal-clear Caribbean flat in search of bonefish or permit, your Spanish-speaking guide doing his best to meet you on your side of the language barrier. Everything is just as it should be. The wind is modest. The sun…

  • Trout Talk

    Going back to the vest

    We've all been there — water lapping at the top of our waders, shallower water a few feet distant but the spot directly in front maybe just a few inches too deep. During a recent outing I stood waist-deep in a chilly run, wondering if I needed to turn around and wade back into the…