Planning A Film Tour Event

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Hosting A Fishing Film Festival

Now entering its 10th year, the Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) is one of the most anticipated events in the fly fishing industry. F3T has built an audience that is deeply devoted, passionate and excited about the opportunity to gather with friends, celebrate their sport, and dream about casts still unmade.

While other film tours are available and a great option, nearly 100 TU chapters were involved with F3T screenings and over $350,000 was raised for conservation in the past year because the F3T program is fast and easy to set up and get started! Beyond the numbers, the sense of community created through these F3T showings has added untold value to chapters and councils through improved recruiting efforts and elevated awareness of the good work being done by TU’s grassroots volunteers.

How to Get Started
F3T often attracts a young and diverse audience of everyone from veteran guides to first time anglers, and hosting a showing can be a breath of fresh air for your TU chapter whether it’s well established, just getting started, or looking for a reboot and some new energy. As an affiliate you can use the show to raise funds, recruit new members to your chapter, gain exposure for our sport or simply have fun. Through a generous partnership with Trout Unlimited, the F3T gang makes hosting a film tour showing easier and more cost effective than ever.

If your chapter would like to learn more about hosting a showing of the Fly Fishing Film Tour, start with this handy  Affiliate Program Guide and contact your Volunteer Operations Staff to talk through best practices and ideas.

When you’re further along and looking into the details of what hosting an F3T showing looks like, watch this presentation on how to host a successful film tour from the F3T’s Ryan Thompson and Chris Keig, and download  TU’s Event-in-a-Box Film Tour Guide, for step-by-step instructions and everything you need to host your first film tour!



Learn how to add your local event to the TU Event Calendar. Watch this quick training video.


Your Volunteer Operations Staff is here to help! 

Reach out to us at to find the right person to help you with your specific chapter or council volunteer need.