Thank you for the many notes of appreciation we’ve received for the current issue of TROUT magazine focused on daughters, fishing, and conservation. We’ve probably had more positive feedback on this one than any other I can remember. Kudos to the editorial team, especially to deputy editor Samantha Carmichael, who spearheaded the “Daughters of TU” feature package.

I want to assure our readers that this focus on women voices in the magazine is certainly no flash in the pan. In fact, it’s been a longstanding tradition here that we have more women contributors—writing stories, editing stories, taking photographs, designing covers, etc.—than any other print magazine in the fishing and conservation space.
That’s always been a natural choice for me, as editor, because I’ve thought that while the literary tradition in trout fishing has long been dominated by men, the real-world scenario is quite different.
I think the current issue does a particularly clear job of showing that, but if you take the time to leaf through older issues of the magazine as well, you’ll see that it’s been a thread all along.

Like many others, my own fly-fishing story is influenced very much by women anglers and conservationists. And when I go to the water these days—not the fancy lodge setting, rather the city park, or the stretch of public river near town—do you know who I see most often? Families. As it should be.
So I encourage you to keep the story ideas by daughters, about daughters, and so forth coming our way. The story is just getting rolling.
-K. Deeter

This series of stories about daughters originally appeared in TROUT Magazine.