Search results for “bristol bay”

TU hails new, better day for fisheries conservation on the farm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 14, 2015 Contact: Scott Yates, (Upper Columbia, Gunnison River Basins), (307) 349-0753 Warren Colyer, (Bear, Blackfoot River Basins), (435) 881-2149 Randy Scholfield (TU communications), (720) 375-3961 Steve Moyer (National), (703) 284-9406 Trout Unlimited hails new, better day for fisheries conservation on the farm NRCS-funded projects deliver benefits for fish, farm and

TU in California: 2016 Highlights

Published in Uncategorized

By Brian Johnson It’s been a busy and amazingly productive year for Trout Unlimited in California. With the help of our 10,000 California members and our dozens of agency and project partners, we reached major milestones on many of ou r highest priority initiatives. All of these highlight TU’s successful formula for protecting and restoring

Volunteer Leaders, Scientists, Advocates and Partners Honored at Trout Unlimited National Gathering in Spokane

Contacts:  Spokane, WA—At CX3, Trout Unlimited’s annual national gathering held September 27 – October 1, a cast of remarkable leaders and volunteers were honored for their contributions to protecting and restoring the nation’s coldwater resources and salmon and trout populations. This year, the Ray Mortensen Award, the organization’s highest honor, was awarded to Fran Smith

Woodworking for brook trout in the Vermont forest

Published in Voices from the river, Conservation

By Zack Hoisington On July 14, 2019, I found myself in uncharted territory, driving north through upstate New York on highway 87 into Adirondack State Park.   As the sun started to lower, I noticed a sign for Montreal. Although I have spent very little time in this part of the country, something told me I was going the wrong direction. I had

Great Lakes community meets the moment to advance coaster restoration

Published in Priority Waters

On the Lake Superior coast, a coalition of partners facilitated by Trout Unlimited are coming together to breathe new life into the study and recovery of native coaster brook trout – a life history variation of brook trout that spend part of their lives in Lake Superior. Scientists do not consider them to be genetically

Annual Fly Fishing Film Tour goes digital March 10

Published in Community, Featured, Fishing

Tickets for the tour go on sale today The 15th annual Fly Fishing Film Tour launches in a digital platform on March 10, and, as always, Trout Unlimited will play a big role in the online event. The 2021 Fly Fishing Film Tour will be available to watch through Sunday April 4. The streaming event

2024 TU Sweepstakes winners announced

Published in Community

Our grand prize winner, Joe V. of Oklahoma, won a 4-days/5-nights trip for winner and a guest at the Linehan Outfitting Company’s Yaak Valley Log Cabins. Led by experienced guides, they’ll fish the pristine Kootenai River, the legendary Clark Fork River, and the mighty Missouri, and relax at the end of each day in beautiful,

Conservation Funding: Interior and Related Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Interior, Environment and Related Agencies

Published in Uncategorized

170711_TU_FY18_IER_Approps_House_FNL.pdf July 11, 2017 RE: Interior, Environment, and Related: Proposed FY18 Budget Cuts. Dear Chairman Calvert, Ranking Member McCollum, and members of the Subcommittee: I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU), regarding Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for programs within your jurisdiction. These programs are of great interest to TU, and critical to the

20 Questions: Christine Peterson

Published in 20 Questions, Featured

Prolific freelance writer juggles everything from motherhood to conservation on an ever-evolving journey I’ve known and admired Christine Peterson for years, largely through our mutual affiliation with the Outdoor Writers Association of America, the oldest professional organization dedicated to outdoors communicators in the country.  Earlier this year, Christine was named the organization’s new president —

Atlantic Salmon and The Endangered Species Act: Questions and Answers

8/12/1999 Atlantic Salmon and The Endangered Species Act: Questions and Answers Atlantic Salmon and The Endangered Species Act: Questions and Answers Contact: 8/12/1999 — — Why have you waited so long to sue for listing? For both Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF), the suit represents a last resort effort to protect

Traditions: Tenkara in America

Published in Uncategorized

A Dolly Varden in southeast Alaska, caught on a tenkara rod. By Randy Scholfield Boulder, Colorado, thinks differently. While at times mocked for its free-range ideas and hemp-fueled lifestyles, there’s no doubt the “People’s Republic” is booming as a hub for creative entrepreneurs and independent thinkers. Oh yeah—it doesn’t hurt that Boulder is surrounded by

TU Teen Summit: Bios

The 10th Annual TU Teen Summit is happening June 28th thru July 2nd on Georgetown Lake, Montana. This annual leadership event brings together teen leaders from around the country, many of whom have attended one of TU’s state fly fishing camps. Part of each Teen Summit includes brainstorming and planning new ways to involve young